Tarot in Against the Day

The chapters beginning at 179 and 209 leave little doubt that there is a structure in the book mirroring the major trumps. I am as yet unsure of its significance, but Pynchon, in his descriptions of The Hanged Man and The Devil, rubs our noses in it. What does it mean, why are there extra chapters at the beginning, and most crucially, does The Fool count? Bloviate here. Foolishmortal 22:57, 20 January 2007 (PST)

The tarot, and Pynchon's use of the tarot, has always struck me as a kind of black hole that can suck in unwary commentators, mainly because the tarot, and thus Mr. P's use of them, can mean whatever anyone wants them to mean. Weisenburger comments on all the tarot in GR in Gravity's Rainbow Companion. Bleakhaus 06:39, 21 January 2007 (PST)