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The ''OED'' suggests that the spelling here was always more popular than ''jass'', as used on [[Pages 358-373#Page 370|p. 370]. It makes sense that a musician like "Dope" Breedlove might use a less conventional spelling, as he would be familiar with the term before common usage had regularized its spelling. By contrast, within the "dime novel" idiom of the Chums of Chance narration (dime novelists not necessarily being, especially in this days, the swingin'-est of cats), while ''jazz'' still registers as a slang term, its spelling has already been regularized.
The ''OED'' suggests that the spelling here was always more popular than ''jass'', as used on [[Pages 358-373#Page 370|p. 370]]. It makes sense that a musician like "Dope" Breedlove might use a less conventional spelling, as he would be familiar with the term before common usage had regularized its spelling. By contrast, within the "dime novel" idiom of the Chums of Chance narration (dime novelists not necessarily being, especially in this days, the swingin'-est of cats), while ''jazz'' still registers as a slang term, its spelling has already been regularized.

Revision as of 06:03, 31 December 2006

Please keep these annotations SPOILER-FREE by not revealing information from later pages in the novel.

Page 397

syntonic wireless


Columbian Half-Dollar

"ten yeeuhz ago" Places this action in or around 1903.

Page 398

Casulaly, a messengfer; more fomally, a permanent official Papal representative at a foreign court.

Evening Quarters

H.G. Wells
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), one of the 19th Century science fiction writers whom Pynchon is both emulating and parodying in ATD. Wikipedia entry.

jeu d'esprit

on the subject

National Imprest

"Plug" Loafsley
Plug-ugly loafer/oaf?

Lollipop Lounge

turned out
(When? Before or after first visit?)


squalid empire
Cf Alan Parker's 1976 movie "Bugsy Malone". IMDb

Page 399

indigo... yellow
Clashing-colors motif.


opopanax and vervain
Two fragrant, medicinal substances derived from flowering plants. They bloom yellow and violet, respectively. Wikipedia pages for opopanax and for vervain.

Though Wikipedia prefers the spelling opoponax, the OED suggests Pynchon's.

slide cornet

An eight-stringed instrument shaped like a mandolin but tuned the same as a viola. It is originally an Irish instrument.

"tin pan" piano

According to the OED, a "nymph of the Muslim Paradise. Hence applied allusively to a voluptuously beautiful woman."

Over 21yo, if he's aged.

Page 400



The OED suggests that the spelling here was always more popular than jass, as used on p. 370. It makes sense that a musician like "Dope" Breedlove might use a less conventional spelling, as he would be familiar with the term before common usage had regularized its spelling. By contrast, within the "dime novel" idiom of the Chums of Chance narration (dime novelists not necessarily being, especially in this days, the swingin'-est of cats), while jazz still registers as a slang term, its spelling has already been regularized.


Missus Grundy


Page 401

Angela Grace
I.e., Angel of Grace

Gophiz... Hudson Dustuhs
Gophers, Hudson Dusters.

slickin up

Mr. Mawgin
J. Pierpont Morgan.


find it
(Small-penis joke.)

Actually, on p. 154 we learn that when these structures were erected, they were intentionally antiqued, "deliberately burned, attempts being made to blacken the stylized wreckage in aesthetic and interesting ways," a description that applies also to Pynchon's historical fiction with its antiquated language and its generally favorable view of all things black. Though, of course it's been a decade since the shrine was erected, and some actual time-corrosion may have occurred.

Phrase first appears on p. 154, where it is inscribed over the shrine that the citizens erect to the Destroyer. It is a quote from Canto III of Dante's Il Inferno, where it is emblazoned over the gates to Hell.

I.e., ozone or O3, which is a molecule comprised of three bonded oxygen molecules. Wikipedia.

Page 402

solenoidal relay

Dr. Zoot

Even tough-guy Plug fears time machine.


Grandmother's day
Pre-Civil War.



revenue diverted
(Why not no-revenue?)

Page 403


undog this hatch

(Blind, not humble.)

nervous organizations
Cf drugs.



arrays of metallic points

Page 404

shockwaves of the Creation
Anachronistic Big Bang theory?

chamber shook
(It didn't on p403.)

not beasts

Cf GR on Passchendaele.

Page 405

latest Oldsmobile

Candlebrow U.


Traveling salesmanship.

Ball in Hand

Alonzo Meatman

Page 406

Imum Coeli

Gideon Candlebrow


Page 407

Smegma is a secretion of mammalian genitals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smegma

Candlebow + margarine reminds me of Camille Paglia on Renee Zellwegger as "margarine-browed" (which I don't really understand).

four thousand years

this year


1925 or thereabouts
Lindsay's unfamiliarity with the term "nooky," here used to refer to attractive women and not to a sex act, its most common present day usage, will likely continue until it becomes an accepted part of the English language, which occurred, according to the OED, with its first substantiative written usage in 1928. The OED, by the way, prefers the spelling nookie.

(Has he been absent?)

Page 408

telegraphic messages
(Why at night, particularly? Email parody?)

"Goes with everything"
Cf Al Capp's Shmoos?

in the way that certain odors can instantly return us to earlier years
Recalls Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu in which the taste and smell of a madeleine cookie summons a collection of childhood memories.

Finney Hall


Page 409

"Why you insufferable little --"
This line, paired with St. Cosmo's observation at the end of the following paragraph: "And might I add, Mr. Noseworth, that these constant attempts to strangle Suckling do our public image little good," seem a fairly direct reference to a well-worn trope from the Simpsons, in which the splenetic Homer, as played here by Noseworth, expresses his no-longer-controllable frustration with Bart, here the increasingly smartalecky Suckling. Pynchon, as has been widely reported, has appeared on The Simpsons a couple times.

More than even "Vineland," it seems, this book is fraught with pop culture/low comedy asides.

Typo, unless he means Orson.

Asimov Transecular
Interesting to find one of Isaac Asimov's time travel machines on the pile of "picked-over hulks of failed time machines." Of course, it would have to have been deposited there from some time in the future.

to transecular adj "that is made through the centuries" (Portuguese) Btchakir 16:48, 19 December 2006 (PST)

FM station?


Heusler's alloy


An alloy of gold and silver, presumably not the same as argentaurum.

lignum vitae
The very hard heavy wood of any of several tropical American guaiacum trees. In Latin, literally "wood of life."



packfong silver

safe harbor
Paradoxical, I think.


Page 410


Symmes Street

Lightfuel motif.

St. Louis Fair



Clashing-colors motif.

Page 411

Finding of Unusual Circumstances Questionaire Also, presumably, known as the "F.U.C.Q." or "fuck-you," for short.


Practitioners of Zen Buddhism.

Caged Women of Yokohama

Page 412

"Does a dog possess the Buddha-nature?" [...] "Yes, obviously"
According to the Zen parable the answer to the question is "Mu", which is both "No" and the sound of a dog's bark, thus neither simply yes nor no. See the explanantion given by the Learned English Dog in Mason & Dixon (Ch. 3, p. 22).

apricot and aquamarine
Clashing-colors motif.

Bohr... Mach... Einstein... Spengler... Wells... McTaggart

young Einstein
Perhaps a reference to the 1988 movie of the same name. At the time of the F.I.C.O.T.T. (1895 at the earliest), Einstein would have already published "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields." Ironically, Einstein's special theory of relativity would later essentially invalidate theories of luminiferous aether.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430), in his autobiographical Confessions, is credited with reconceptualizing the notion of time in Christian terms. Throyle, on p.143, summarizes what he terms "Christian time," as a "linear way of regarding time, a simple straight line from past, through present, into the future." See also Eschatology.

fatal steamed pudding
Presumably the subject of the "Christmas-pudding controversy" mentioned on p. 406. In the context of Prof. Taggart's disbelief in time and the Augustinian's presumed belief that time moves inevitably toward Christ's return, a Christmas pudding (which, one should mention, is prepared with suet or similar animal fat, though presumably Smegmo can be substituted) is a symbol, insofar as it invokes the birth of Christ, of a pivotal moment in the proper sequence of Augustinian time. The pudding, which context here suggests the neo-Augustinian dropped on the McTaggartite, at once symbolizes the Fall of Man, as well as the McTaggartite's inevitable descent into Hell. The whole arrangement is problematized, however, by the comments of the County Coroner, who describes the outcome of the event dependent on "wagering," chance being irreconcilable with Augustinian time.

vertical distance
Of pudding-drop?

Old Stearinery Bell Tower

Page 413

322 feet

Eg clocktower assassins?


"the lycopodium type"... Fear


other Promise... resurrected... two millennia

Page 414



(Is the ligatured-ae appropriate here?)

interfered with
Sexually molested.

(So signs of occupancy are faked?)

(Clear sign of vacancy.)

systematically deluded
Cf Descartes.

(Meatman is cyborg?)

Page 415

"Mr. Ace"
Master race; ace of spades; Mr Earl?

Relating to speech that serves to establish social relationships rather than to inform.

(Capitalism has failed but failure still can't be mentioned.)

certain of your great dynamos

Fraternity of the Venturesome
Mistranslated 'Chums of Chance'.

Electrical short?

mission assignments
Pynchon seems to explain Chums backstory.

Page 416

Squanto and the Pilgrims

Page 417

"we're totally--"

"He is not what he says he is."
Pynchon denies Chums backstory/explanation.


enigmatic object

Page 418

With a capital T.

evidence... everywhere
Cf Crying of Lot 49.

An abnormal and usually degenerative state of the nervous system or nerves.

With Devil.

Other Units
(So our five gossiped to others?)

Cf Trekkies.

came to recall
Cf PK Dick.

red and indigo

Page 419

"El Capitan"
Sousa march.

"Whistling Rufus"


Richardson Romanesque
Style of American Romanesque architecture from 1880s-1890s, named after architect Henry Robson Richardson, notable for use of brown stone, rounded corners, arches and cylindrical turrets. Wikipedia Entry.

modal theory


Bing Spooninger
Like "Bing" Crosby, a crooner.


Page 420

every note

say "Wall"

difficult vocal feat

An African-American entertainment having a cake as prize for the most accomplished steps and figures in walking; also, a stage dance developed from walking steps and figures typically involving a high prance with backward tilt. From this, slang for a one-sided contest or an easy task.

Note played on harmonica by "drawing" air through reed by sucking in rather than blowing out (insert crude sex joke here).

Page 421

Masochistic love of oppressors.

cover identity
Burden of resistance.

Lombardy poplars.

Chromatic Harp
A harmonica that plays all notes in an octave rather than a scale in a certain key. Examples.

Pitch Integrity Guard

harmonica-reed files

Page 422

I.G. Mundharfwerke
Interessen-Gemeinschaft Mundharfwerke (Harmonica-works Association of Common Interests). "Mundharf" is Swabian German for "Harmonica".

Cf Slothrop's desk.

Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), French composer of operettas.Wikipedia Entry.

into the Latrine
Cf Slothrop's hallucination.

vapor bearing... minerals


Page 423

None of them...
Cf butterfly dreaming it's monk?

volunteer decoys

"At a Georgia Camp Meeting"


route out of the past
The nostalgia trap.

Page 424

'coon' material
They enjoyed the jazzy parts of the routine.


R. Crumb did a comic like this: pic

(Was unconscious, now conscious?)

dropped from altitudes
(Cf pudding above)

Page 425

"After the Ball"

Either the Emirate of Bukhara, a former country in Central Asia or its capital

Abbrevation for Temporary Duty? weblink

A plant/tree native to the deserts of Central Asia, particularly the Gobi desert; it has a very hard wood and is covered with knobs Wikipedia pic

Q. Zane Toadflax
(Sounds like Douglas Adams?). Toadflax is the name of an invasive plant species

Hypopsammotic... Hypops

Page 426

beating their prices
Contradicts p425 "no further expenditure".

Page 427

temporarily lapsing

pigs fly
Lindsay = pig.


Annotation Index

Part One:
The Light Over the Ranges

1-25, 26-56, 57-80, 81-96, 97-118

Part Two:
Iceland Spar

119-148, 149-170, 171-198, 199-218, 219-242, 243-272, 273-295, 296-317, 318-335, 336-357, 358-373, 374-396, 397-428

Part Three:

429-459, 460-488, 489-524, 525-556, 557-587, 588-614, 615-643, 644-677, 678-694

Part Four:
Against the Day

695-723, 724-747, 748-767, 768-791, 792-820, 821-848, 849-863, 864-891, 892-918, 919-945, 946-975, 976-999, 1000-1017, 1018-1039, 1040-1062

Part Five:
Rue du Départ
