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'''Mrs. Dragsaw'''<br>
'''Mrs. Dragsaw'''<br>
??? Speculation: dragsaw [http://www.answers.com/topic/dragsaw-1 (pic)] is a real word [http://www.answers.com/topic/dragsaw (definition)] and certainly a funny name, especially for a woman hiring waitresses in a restaurant that serves lunch. Pynchon has a penchant for funny, if not outrageous, names.
City in Ross County, Ohio.  "...residents describe the area as the foothills of the Appalachians." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chillicothe,_Ohio wiki]
City in Ross County, Ohio.  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chillicothe,_Ohio wiki]
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funds or supplies advanced to a mining prospector (or a person starting a business) in return for a promised share of the profits.
funds or supplies advanced to a mining prospector (or a person starting a business) in return for a promised share of the profits.
Or money saved up to see one through until income from a new venture began coming in.
'''One day up in the theater district...penis'''<br>
Again a reference to the newly-emerging gay subculture.  The theater district was part of the Tenderloin and supplied many of that area's clients.  The acting world was a longtime haven for otherwise closeted LGBT people.
'''Maude Adams'''<br>
'''Maude Adams'''<br>
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'''Mock Duck's boys'''<br>
'''Mock Duck's boys'''<br>
In the era of soysage, sunburgers and seitan, Mock Duck has just about dropped from public consciousness. A gluten-based vegetarian substance with at least an imagined resemblance to roast duck. Oriental grocers sometimes still carry it.
In the era of soysage, sunburgers and seitan, Mock Duck has just about dropped from public consciousness. A gluten-based vegetarian substance with at least an imagined resemblance to roast duck. Oriental grocers sometimes still carry it.
Actually, Mock Duck was a Tong leader in New York City, most active 1900
through 1912.  Sai Wing Mock, aka "Mock Duck" was renowned for his eccentric
combat style; while hatchets, clubs and knives were standard weapons in
street-gang warfare, Mock Duck's method was to sow chaos and fear by crouching
in the center of the street, putting his head down, drawing two .44s and firing
wildly in all directions.  (He was reportedly a terrible shot.)
(While Pynchon does add a lot of goofy names and implausible characters to his
fictions, it's the inclusions of the real ones that hold the history
together.)[[User:Infanttyrone|Infanttyrone]] 16:10, 11 December 2007 (PST)
==Page 339==
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'''''en deshabille'''''<br />
'''''en deshabille'''''<br />
partly dressed in a loose manner.
partly dressed in a loose manner.
:more precisely, in this case, the French word for what Americans call a "négligée" (strange to translate a French word with another French word!). Very light indoor garment that one would never wear outside the house. "En déshabillé" literally means "in a déshabillé" or "wearing a déshabillé". 
'''Modestine'''<br />
'''Modestine'''<br />
A 19th century first name. Perhaps a pun on the fact that she has not been modest.
'''let's say a ''short vacation'''''<br>
'''let's say a ''short vacation'''''<br>
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'''Hop Fung'''<br />
'''Hop Fung'''<br />
Not sure, but "wing hop fung" supposedly means "together forever prosper" [http://www.winghopfung.com/about.html]. Anyone?
Not sure, but "wing hop fung" supposedly means "together forever prosper" [http://www.winghopfung.com/about.html]. Anyone?
: Wing=Forever, Hop=Together, Fung=Prosper
'''Celestial'''<br />
'''Celestial'''<br />
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Dahlia's experiences on Broadway play out like a perverse parody of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. Like Dahlia, Dreiser's heroine is a small town girl who makes the transition from bit-part player to star. Furthermore, Dahlia arrives in New York City in 1900, the same year that Sister Carrie was published.   
Dahlia's experiences on Broadway play out like a perverse parody of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. Like Dahlia, Dreiser's heroine is a small town girl who makes the transition from bit-part player to star. Furthermore, Dahlia arrives in New York City in 1900, the same year that Sister Carrie was published.   
'''morning-hat'''<br />
'''Dally in performance'''<br>
These acts seem quite similar to the Living Theater, which emerged several decades later. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Living_Theatre Wikipedia]
Not sure if it refers to a specific hat or a family of hats, but It was used in the title of a fashion article published in the New York Times on Feb. 23rd, 1908 [http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9F0CE3D81F3EE233A25750C2A9649C946997D6CF].
Most likely a casual girl hat, opposed to evening wear.
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Members of a Chinese-American criminal gang. (The word later came to apply to corrupt politicians.)
Members of a Chinese-American criminal gang. (The word later came to apply to corrupt politicians.)
'''day clubs'''<br>
'''day club'''<br>
??? Speculation: what Pynchon is humorously calling a [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/nightstick nightstick] used in the daytime.
Actually, there are three kinds of clubs a policeman can carry: the billy, the day club, and the night stick. [https://books.google.ca/books?id=LI0AAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA512&dq=day+club+nightstick&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw-pj9q5rjAhXOWM0KHQT6CpQQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=day%20club%20nightstick&f=false]
'''''Glans penis'''''-'''shaped helmets'''<br>
'''''Glans penis'''''-'''shaped helmets'''<br>
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Incredibly, Pynchon seems to be referencing the Hong Kong films of John Woo. The image of the Chinese gangster firing two guns simultaneously is a Woo trademark, first popularized in the 1986 film ''A Better Tomorrow'' and repeated in subsequent Woo films such as ''The Killer'' (1989) and ''Hard-Boiled'' (1992). The image was so closely associated with Woo's favorite leading man, Chow Yun-Fat, that it was even reprised for Chow's subsequent films in Hollywood.
Incredibly, Pynchon seems to be referencing the Hong Kong films of John Woo. The image of the Chinese gangster firing two guns simultaneously is a Woo trademark, first popularized in the 1986 film ''A Better Tomorrow'' and repeated in subsequent Woo films such as ''The Killer'' (1989) and ''Hard-Boiled'' (1992). The image was so closely associated with Woo's favorite leading man, Chow Yun-Fat, that it was even reprised for Chow's subsequent films in Hollywood.
According to Woo, the image of the outlaw firing two guns simultaneously was inspired by the final scene of ''Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid''. This is interesting in light of the Butch Cassidy references in the Telluride section of ATD. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Woo#Trivia [wikipedia]]
According to Woo, the image of the outlaw firing two guns simultaneously was inspired by the final scene of ''Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid''. This is interesting in light of the Butch Cassidy references in the Telluride section of ATD. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Woo#Trivia [wikipedia]]
There is an actual Tong leader being referenced here; Mock Duck was known for his two-gun style, but his methods were much different than Chow Yun-Fat's.  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mock_Duck Wikipedia Entry]
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'''Tin Pan Alley'''<br>
Tin Pan Alley is the name given to the collection of New York City-centered music publishers and songwriters who dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th century. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_Pan_Alley Wikipedia]
'''acid magenta'''<br>
'''acid magenta'''<br>
Acid dye is a member of a class of dye that is applied from an acidic solution. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_dye]
'''Con McVeety'''<br>
'''Con McVeety'''<br>
Investigation of the origins of family names on the North American continent has revealed that early immigrants bearing the name Veety or a variant (Veety has been written as MacVittie, MacVittye, MacVittae, MacWittie, MacWitty and many more) include: Alan MacWittie who settled in New England in 1685; Duncan McVittie arrived in Philadelphia Pa. in 1775. [http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/veety-family-crest.htm]
'''worst acts'''<br>
'''worst acts'''<br>
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Ten dollars in 1900 has the purchasing power in 2005 of
Ten dollars in 1900 has the purchasing power in 2005 of
: $239.93  using the Consumer Price Index  
: $239.93  using the Consumer Price Index  
$205.36  using the GDP deflator  
: $205.36  using the GDP deflator  
'''dime museum'''<br>
'''dime museum'''<br>
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dime_museum Wikipedia]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dime_museum Wikipedia]
'''absquatulate '''<br>
to leave quickly or in a hurry. The phrase "in some haste to absquatulate' seems a bit redundant. 
Found this interesting piece of knowledge on Freedictionary.com [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/] which explains the origins of a lot of the words used in AtD:
"In the 19th century, the vibrant energy of American English appeared in the use of Latin affixes to create jocular pseudo-Latin "learned" words. (...) Absquatulate has a prefix ab-, "away from," and a suffix -ate, "to act upon in a specified manner," affixed to a nonexistent base form -squatul-, probably suggested by squat. Hence the whimsical absquatulate, "to squat away from."
A random collection (very roughly equivalent to the Spanish word ''zarzuela''). In music halls and variety theater an olio, here an act or acts unrelated to the "real" show, would go up in front of the curtain during long scene changes.
A random collection (very roughly equivalent to the Spanish word ''zarzuela''). In music halls and variety theater an olio, here an act or acts unrelated to the "real" show, would go up in front of the curtain during long scene changes.
'''australian cockroach'''<br>
It is very unlikely that it was an Australian Cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae), which has a length of 3.0cm - 3.5cm (approx 1 1/4"-1 3/8"). Most likely refers to another (unwinged) species, called the Rhinoceros Cockroach or Giant Burrowing Cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) which is indigenous to Australia and can weigh up to 35 g (1.2 oz) and measure up to 3.15 in (80 mm) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros_cockroach] Still a far cry from "the size of a sewer rat".
'''Bogoslaw Borowicz'''<br>
'''Bogoslaw Borowicz'''<br>
Borowicz is a polish name, patronymic from a pet form of Borowy, or from Borzyslaw, Bolebor, or some other personal name formed with the element bor ‘to fight’.
Found a reference to a Bogoslaw Borowicz in a scientific paper entitled "During Latency, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 DNA Is Associated
with Nucleosomes in a Chromatin Structure" (!), published in 1989 in The Journal of Virology. [http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/reprint/63/2/943.pdf]
'''Floor show'''<br>
A Floorshow is a series of acts at a night club. That anyone could take this literally as "a display of floors" is both hilarious and very Pynchonian.
==Page 344==
==Page 344==
'''strange tilings...mathematical issues'''<br />
'''strange tilings...mathematical issues'''<br />
Allusion to issues in topology, the mathematical field dealing in issues of dimensions, among other things.
This passage alludes to aperiodic tilings [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperiodic_tiling Wikipedia] such as the one discovered by Roger Penrose [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose_tiling Wikipedia]. See "The wallpaper in particular presented not a repeating pattern at all" [[ATD_171-198#Page_182|in annotations to p. 182.]]
This passage seems to allude to aperiodic tilings [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperiodic_tiling Wikipedia] such as the one discovered by Roger Penrose [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose_tiling Wikipedia]
'''Dr. Ictibus'''<br />
'''Dr. Ictibus'''<br />
The Latin word ''ictus'' means a ''blow'' or ''stike''.  ''Ictibus'', an ablaive case for ''ictus'', thus means away from the strike!
The Latin word ''ictus'' is from the past participle of īcere, to  stike, blow, stab, wound; it can also refer to the wound itself.  ''Ictibus'', is the ablative plural case for ''ictus'', thus we have Dr. Took-away-the-wounds.
'''Safe-Deflector Hat'''<br />
'''Safe-Deflector Hat'''<br />
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'''''figurante'''''<br />
'''''figurante'''''<br />
a dancer; a ballet girl.
a dancer; a ballet girl.
:also the (feminized) French term for "extra"
'''a coon revue'''<br>
'''a coon revue'''<br>
Musical entertainment with African-American performers—or just as likely white performers in blackface—doing skits and singing songs that perpetuated a range of stereotypes: step-dancing, exaggerated dialect, lax morals, etc. Coon material was extremely popular in New York and elsewhere in the Jim Crow era (and it hasn't disappeared yet).
Musical entertainment with African-American performers—or just as likely white performers in blackface—doing skits and singing songs that perpetuated a range of stereotypes: step-dancing, exaggerated dialect, lax morals, etc. Coon material was extremely popular in New York and elsewhere in the Jim Crow era (and it hasn't disappeared yet). For a partial list of coon references in ''AtD,'' [[ATD_26-56#Page_48|see annotation to p. 48.]]
'''Williams and Walker'''<br />
'''Williams and Walker'''<br />
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'''Liu Bing'''<br />
'''Liu Bing'''<br />
Lubing? Like Lew Basnight as Lube-ass night [http://against-the-day.pynchonwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=ATD_26-56#Page_36 see notes for page 36].
One of three approaches to exegesis are possible here. <br>
:1) The name is a Chinese pun on English sounds and meanings.<br>
:2) The name is a reference to someone with this name.<br>
:3) The name is a reference to Chinese meanings in a Chinese or English pun.<br>
An example of the first approach:<br>
:Lubing? Like Lew Basnight as Lube-ass night [http://against-the-day.pynchonwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=ATD_26-56#Page_36 see notes for page 36].<br>
Two examples from the second approach:<br>
:Here, it is a woman, but in history Liu Bing was<br>
:1) The birth name of Emperor Chong of the Han Dynasty (143-145) who became emperor at the age of 1, and died a year later.<br>
:2) A high-ranking official of the Song Dynasty, (lived 433-477).<br>
Third approach: mix and match meanings for "Liu" and Bing".<br>
Liu can mean:
:lovely; beautiful; tassel; pomegranate; to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move clear; deep (of water); swift; precious stone; leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve; tumor; sulfur; bessemerizing of matte; lutetium; pure gold; sewing of wind; bay horse with black mane; large horned-owl; willow; skein; tuft; lock; creel; fish basket; the number 6; a clod of earth; land; the sound of the wind; to soar; to stroll; walk a horse; to stroll; to linger; dripping of rain from eaves, reheat by steaming
Bing can mean:
:soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; war-like; ice; arrow-quiver; Trachycarpus excelsa; '''arecas'''; the third of the ten heavenly stems; the third position; third; number three; get rid of; put aside; reject; keep control; hold back; sad; mournful; bright; glorious; authority; handle; hilt;  bright; brilliant; luminous(surname); to grasp; hold; maintain natural property or endowment; report to (a superior)bright ; shining, splendid(surname); ancient city name; happy; plate; scabbard; round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry; furthermore; (not) at all; simultaneously; also; together with; to combine; to join; to merge amalgamate; combine; nightmare; start to sleep; ailment; sickness; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect.
So, Liu Bing might mean '''"lovely arecas,"''' "six cookies," "gold handle," "six soldiers" etc.
'''''Courage,'' Camille'''<br />
'''''Courage,'' Camille'''<br />
''Coo-RAZH,'' of course. The play ''Camille'' was adapted from ''The Lady of the Camellias'' (''La dame aux camélias,'' 1848) by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In all French versions the character's name is Marguerite, so this gag only works in English-speaking countries.
''Coo-RAZH,'' of course. The play ''Camille'' was adapted from ''The Lady of the Camellias'' (''La dame aux camélias,'' 1848) by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In all French versions the character's name is Marguerite, so this gag only works in English-speaking countries. This phrase also appears in ''Inherent Vice'', pg. 314.  
'''Lillian Russell'''<br />
'''Lillian Russell'''<br />
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'''Verbena'''<br />
'''Verbena'''<br />
Continuing Pynchon's running joke of naming AtD's women after flowering herbs.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verbena Wikipedia]
'''I.J. &amp; K. Smokefoot'''<br />
'''I.J. &amp; K. Smokefoot'''<br />
In and after the 19th-century "surge" of immigrants, many surnames got changed one way or another. Some folks named Gutmann became Goodman at Ellis Island, for example. Another practice was to adopt a name that wouldn't prompt the question so well known in ''AtD'': "What . . . ''kind'' of name is that?" So a Gershon might turn into a Gresham. (A few decades later, Issur Danielovitch Demsky became Kirk Douglas!) The Rauchfuss clan seems to have arrived before these trends took hold; they are all over the U.S. and occupy all sorts of niches. But ''if'' the first American Rauchfuss had changed his name, he might have simply translated it to ''Smokefoot.''
Speculation: Smokefoot is the name of a song written by Bobby Keys, Jim Gordon, and Jim Price. It appears on the 1972 album "Bobby Keys." [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:wjfixqw5ldae~T1 Bobby Keys] was a very much in demand session sax player, appearing on many well-known albums, including the Stones' "Sticky Fingers" where he plays an extended solo on "Can't You Hear Me Knockin." While this is not at all related to what's going on in AtD at the moment, it is a way that Pynchon comes up with names and Pynchon surely knows who Bobby Keys is.
A brief Google search does not turn up a Rauchfuss' department store, though.
:''Along with speculation,'' the name Smokefoot has some nonmusical grounding. There's a fairly numerous and widespread American clan named Rauchfuss. Their surname, obviously, is German—like those of some nonfictional department store magnates (Gimbel, Bergdorf, Saks). If the first immigrant Rauchfuss had translated his name into English it would have come out Smokefoot. Although a moderately large Google search does not turn up a Rauchfuss or Smokefoot in the business, it is '''not''' irrelevant that one form of this name is current in the population.
Quaternions based on 'i * j * k'.
Quaternions based on 'i * j * k'.
:Not too sure about this connection: the choice of ''i'', ''j'', and ''k'' in the definition of quaternary space is arbitrary, as are ''x'', ''y'', and ''z'' in more conventional definitions of three-dimensional space. Could just be that Pynchon just wrote a little three letter sequence in alphabetical order. Is there anything in the text that would support the connection between the department store and quaternions?
:Not too sure about this connection: the choice of ''i'', ''j'', and ''k'' in the definition of quaternary space is arbitrary, as are ''x'', ''y'', and ''z'' in more conventional definitions of three-dimensional space. Could just be that Pynchon just wrote a little three letter sequence in alphabetical order. Is there anything in the text that would support the connection between the department store and quaternions?
::Well, ''x, y'' and ''z'' are just as arbitrary—but when you see the sequence you think "coordinates, 3-space, vectors." So ''i j k'' in the book's context does suggest a link to quaternion notation. This merits a closer look.
::Well, ''x, y'' and ''z'' are just as arbitrary—but when you see the sequence you think "coordinates, 3-space, vectors." So ''i j k'' in the book's context does suggest a link to quaternion notation. This merits a closer look.
::Besides the quaternion interpretation, the letters i,j,k commonly represent the standard basis vectors of R^3.  There's little doubt that Pynchon had these meanings in mind when he chose those three letters.
'''Ladies' Mile'''<br />
'''Ladies' Mile'''<br />
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'''Jachin and Boaz'''<br />
'''Jachin and Boaz'''<br />
The two pillars on the porch of Solomon's Temple.  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boaz_and_Jachin Wikipedia entry].  They also appear on the Tarot card of The High Priestess in the A.E. Waite Rider deck, whose designer, Pamela Colman Smith, is mentioned in ''ATD'' at p. 186. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_High_Priestess Wikipedia entry].
The two pillars on the porch of Solomon's Temple.  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boaz_and_Jachin Wikipedia entry].  They also appear on the Tarot card of The High Priestess in the A.E. Waite Rider deck, whose designer, Pamela Colman Smith, is mentioned in ''ATD'' at p. 186. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_High_Priestess Wikipedia entry]. The two names could also be a possible reference to Freemasonry [http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/larsonwilliam.html], an institution that occasionally appears in Pynchon's work. Pillars named Jachin and Boaz apparently figure in the nomenclature of Masonic temples.
'''just a kid'''<br />
'''just a kid'''<br />
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==Page 348==
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'''Bleecker Street'''<br>
Cultural center of bohemian Greenwich Village, which at this time was a haven for leftists including Emma Goldman and John Reed.  In later years it became an art showcase for talent including Hendrix, Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, et. al.  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleecker_Street Wikipedia]
'''Saturday night in Kipperville'''<br>
'''Saturday night in Kipperville'''<br>
Most likely a reference to the story ''Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel'' by Virginia Lee Burton, wherein Mike and promises to dig the cellar for Popperville's new town hall in one day using his steam shovel Mary Anne. The citizens from Kipperville and other nearby towns all come to watch. [[Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel|Read the Amazon description]].
Most likely a reference to the story ''Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel'' by Virginia Lee Burton, wherein Mike and promises to dig the cellar for Popperville's new town hall in one day using his steam shovel Mary Anne. The citizens from Kipperville and other nearby towns all come to watch. [[Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel|Read the Amazon description]].
"Kipperville" is actually a slang term for Greenwich Village. From A Dictionary of the Underworld: British and American by Eric Partridge:
*kipper; Kipperville. '"Kinda kippers in this house." This term "kippers", much used in the heyday of the Bowery' — ca. 1870-1910 — 'had a curious origin. Kippers were any kind of insect pests, and people who were neither of the underworld nor of the respectable, were called kippers, since they were considered to be nuisances to all other people ... I found that a great many of the semi-Bohemians were called this by the underworld. Greenwich village, then' — ca. 1896-1905 — 'very far from being professionally Bohemian, but where there were a good many poor and very real artists of various kinds, was often called "Kipper-ville"', Anon., 'When Crime Ruled the Bowery', Flynn's, April 6, 1929. [https://books.google.ca/books?id=LEXeCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT1187&dq=Kipperville&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj91-qT4LHjAhWUAZ0JHcFJA_wQ6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q=Kipperville&f=false link]
Areca is a genus of about 50 species of single-stemmed palms in the family Arecaceae, found in humid tropical forests from Malaysia to the Solomon Islands. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areca wikipedia]
Areca is a genus of about 50 species of single-stemmed palms in the family Arecaceae, found in humid tropical forests from Malaysia to the Solomon Islands. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areca wikipedia]
Women of the "half-world," i.e., looking for a meal-ticket.
A [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/demimondaine woman] belonging to the [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/demimonde demimonde]; a woman whose sexual promiscuity places her outside respectable society.
Lady's maids; maid-servants. <ref>Def.2. '''The Oxford English Dictionary''' 2nd Ed. 1989.</ref>
'''Perrier Jouet'''<br>
'''Perrier Jouet'''<br>
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'''ticker-tape machines'''<br>
'''ticker-tape machines'''<br>
Before the crawl at the bottom of the screen, you could get a Dow-Jones ticker installed in your home or office to bring you the latest from the market. Other ticker services delivered news, sports scores, etc., all printed out on a narrow paper tape.
Before the crawl at the bottom of the screen, you could get a Dow-Jones ticker installed in your home or office to bring you the latest from the market. Other ticker services delivered news, sports scores, etc., all printed out on a narrow paper tape. On days of special celebration, New York City allowed people to throw ticker tape from buildings—which on any other day would be a misdemeanor—hence the fossil expression "ticker-tape parade."
==Page 349==
==Page 349==
'''Oomie Vamplet'''<br>
'''Oomie Vamplet'''<br>
??? Pure speculation: [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=oomie oomie]. Vamplet has a [http://onlinedictionary.datasegment.com/word/vamplet definition], but also sounds like a vamp (a woman who uses her sex appeal to entrap and exploit men) who is small. Also, to vamp in music is to improvise simple accompaniment or variation of a tune.
'''Kate Chase Sprague'''<br>
'''Kate Chase Sprague'''<br>
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'''Sweet Caporal'''<br>
'''Sweet Caporal'''<br>
A cigarette.
A [http://www.adclassix.com/ads/55sweetcaporal.htm brand] of cigarette.
'''came for me'''<br>
'''came for me'''<br>
On page 69 Erlys left this note: "I'll be back for her when I can."
On page 69 Erlys left this note: "I'll be back for her when I can."
'''"French flat"'''<br>
[[file:Apthorp.jpg|thumb|caption|The Apthorp, 1909| 250px|left]]'''"a French flat in a recently-erected building on upper Broadway"'''<br>
Used to describe a chiffon made in India; and a kind of sequin (now antique, of course). Source: Ebay and online sites.
This is most likely [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apthorp the Apthorp] apartment building, which is 12 stories and on upper Broadway, with French-style apartments and modeled on the Pitti Palace. It was completed in 1908. However, I believe in ''Against the Day'' the year is 1903.
:Based on the context, it did not have anything to do with fabric. It referred to a special style apartment. The question is what style?
'''Pitti Palace'''<br>
'''Pitti Palace'''<br>
Late fifteenth century Florentine palace, possibly designed by Brunelleschi.
The Palazzo Pitti is a vast mainly Renaissance palace in Florence. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palazzo_Pitti Wikipedia]
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'''Psyche knot'''<br>
'''Psyche knot'''<br>
The knot in which Psyche kept her hair, as shown in ads for White Rock mineral water during this time frame.  [http://www.whiterocking.org/pcw.html Pictures here].
The knot in which Psyche kept her hair, as shown in ads for White Rock mineral water during this time frame.  [http://www.whiterocking.org/pwc.html Pictures here].
Here are instructions on how to prepare a [http://frazzledfrau.tripod.com/titanic/psyche.htm Psyche knot].
'''also known as New York City, and found there true disappearance'''<br>
...just as Pynchon himself did, hiding in plain sight in New York City for years. From this [http://nymag.com/arts/books/features/48268/ New York Magazine story:] 
" 'He's disappeared, and no one will ever find him, because that's how he wants it,' says a man walking past the entrance to Pynchon's apartment building."
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==Page 354==
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[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friuli Border area of Italy,Austria and Slovenia, N. of Trieste]. Its main provinces are Udine, Gorizia, Pordenone and Trieste. It's not part of the South Tyrol. It's been part of post WWII disputes with Jugoslavia and it's subject to still ongoing polemics on the conflicts between antifascist groups and local fastist-supporting population (s. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foibe Foibe])
an area of northeastern Italy with its own particular cultural and historical identity. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friuli Wikipedia]
'''donkey salami'''<br>
'''donkey salami'''<br>
Italian sausage-makers do use donkey meat; look for ''salame d'asino'' or ''mortadella di asino.'' It is not imported into the U.S.
Italian sausage-makers do use donkey meat; look for ''salame d'asino'' or ''mortadella di asino.'' It is not imported into the U.S.<br>
From Robert Musil's ''The Man Without Qualitites'' p. 939 of the 1995 translation by S. Wilkins.  Musil and his lead character Ulrich had both served in the Austro-Hungarian army.
:''Considering the window display of German intellect, Ulrich was reminded of an old army joke: "Mortadella." This had been the nickname of an unpopular general, after the popular Italian sausage, and if anyone wondered why, the answer was: "Part pig, part donkey."''
'''like Austria, with gestures'''<br>
'''like Austria, with gestures'''<br>
Line 329: Line 416:
'''platinum black'''<br>
'''platinum black'''<br>
"a fine black powder of platinum; used as a catalyst in chemical reactions" [http://www.answers.com/topic/platinum-black cite]
"a fine black powder of platinum; used as a catalyst in chemical reactions" [http://www.answers.com/topic/platinum-black cite]  
This whole paragraph describes what amounts to a Black Hole, from which not even light can emerge.
Pynchon may also have had in mind a black hole or "Black Body Radiation," which was discovered around 1900. In physics a black body is an ideal body that absorbs without reflection all of the electromagnetic radiation (light is one of them) incident on its surface. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbody_radiation Wikipedia].
:No. It describes the "Black Body Radiation" discovered around 1900. It's quite different from a black hole. Of course, the latter is much much more popular. In physics a black body is an ideal body that absorbs without reflection all of the electromagnetic radiation (light is one of them) incident on its surface. Since in here there is no extreme gravity involved but blackness, with the author's engineering educational background and with the topic of "light" frequently discussed in the book, and Zombini here is talking about light reflection, clearly reference to black body radiation is more appropriate. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbody_radiation Wikipedia].
'''''affondato, vero?'''''<br>
'''''affondato, vero?'''''<br>
Italian for "Sunk, isn'it?" as in the battleship game.
Italian for "Sunk, isn't it?" as in the battleship game.
'''bloody horror shows'''<br>
'''bloody horror shows'''<br>
Line 353: Line 438:
'''''Porca miseria'''''<br>
'''''Porca miseria'''''<br>
All-purpose Italian expletive, not too crude.
All-purpose Italian expletive, not too crude. Translates into English as damn!
'''Teatro Malibran'''<br>
'''Teatro Malibran'''<br>
Line 368: Line 453:
'''East Rumelian'''<br>
'''East Rumelian'''<br>
East Rumelia was an autonomous Bulgarian province, fomerly an Ottoman dependency south of the Balkans. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 it was to be ruled by Turkey but with a Christian prince as part of a complex territorial power-balance agreeable to all Powers at the 1878 Congress of Berlin. Interestingly, an area in which the Glagolitic alphabet was propounded (see P.252).
East Rumelia was an autonomous Bulgarian province, fomerly an Ottoman dependency south of the Balkans. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 it was to be ruled by Turkey but with a Christian prince as part of a complex territorial power-balance agreeable to all Powers at the 1878 Congress of Berlin. Interestingly, an area in which the Glagolitic alphabet was propounded (see P.252).
'''Erlys remembered'''<br>
(Why not Dally?)
==Page 357==
==Page 357==

Latest revision as of 05:31, 13 July 2019

Please keep these annotations SPOILER-FREE by not revealing information from later pages in the novel.

Page 336

Rail girls?

Makes me think of b-girls, or bar girls [1]. Seems appropriate, given the context, to imagine r-girls are the rails' equivalent.

White City
The neighbourhood of extravagant buildings made for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. (First mentioned on page 3).

Jackson Park
The site of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. Wikipedia

"hoping for some glimpse of her White City, but saw only the darkened daytime one"
"The White City... impressed everyone who saw it (at least before air pollution began to darken the façades) that plans were considered to refinish the [alabaster] exteriors in marble or some other material. These plans had to be abandoned in July 1894 when much of the fair grounds was destroyed in a fire. The fire occurred at the height of the Pullman Strike; since the strikers set other fires that very week, it is possible the fire was set by disgruntled Pullman employees." Wikipedia

Pynchon has mentioned the decay of the White City earlier in the novel.

Page 337

Mrs. Dragsaw
??? Speculation: dragsaw (pic) is a real word (definition) and certainly a funny name, especially for a woman hiring waitresses in a restaurant that serves lunch. Pynchon has a penchant for funny, if not outrageous, names.

City in Ross County, Ohio. wiki

Page 338

funds or supplies advanced to a mining prospector (or a person starting a business) in return for a promised share of the profits.

Or money saved up to see one through until income from a new venture began coming in.

One day up in the theater district...penis
Again a reference to the newly-emerging gay subculture. The theater district was part of the Tenderloin and supplied many of that area's clients. The acting world was a longtime haven for otherwise closeted LGBT people.

Maude Adams
American actress, 1872-1953. First to play Peter Pan on the American stage (1905). Wikipedia article. Not to be confused with Bond Girl Maud Adams!

Mock Duck's boys
In the era of soysage, sunburgers and seitan, Mock Duck has just about dropped from public consciousness. A gluten-based vegetarian substance with at least an imagined resemblance to roast duck. Oriental grocers sometimes still carry it.

Actually, Mock Duck was a Tong leader in New York City, most active 1900 through 1912. Sai Wing Mock, aka "Mock Duck" was renowned for his eccentric combat style; while hatchets, clubs and knives were standard weapons in street-gang warfare, Mock Duck's method was to sow chaos and fear by crouching in the center of the street, putting his head down, drawing two .44s and firing wildly in all directions. (He was reportedly a terrible shot.) (While Pynchon does add a lot of goofy names and implausible characters to his fictions, it's the inclusions of the real ones that hold the history together.)Infanttyrone 16:10, 11 December 2007 (PST)

Page 339

en deshabille
partly dressed in a loose manner.

more precisely, in this case, the French word for what Americans call a "négligée" (strange to translate a French word with another French word!). Very light indoor garment that one would never wear outside the house. "En déshabillé" literally means "in a déshabillé" or "wearing a déshabillé".

A 19th century first name. Perhaps a pun on the fact that she has not been modest.

let's say a short vacation
Maternity leave.

Hop Fung
Not sure, but "wing hop fung" supposedly means "together forever prosper" [2]. Anyone?

Wing=Forever, Hop=Together, Fung=Prosper

Chinese. "Celestial Empire" is a translation of one of the native names for China.

"A hanger-on, go-between, or message runner, particularly one involved in the drug traffic—the speculation being that such persons usually hang about in lobbies" cite

"Chop Suey stories!"
The Chinese in America making an industry out of fulfilling the natives' fantasies. Both the white-slavery dramatizations ("comediettas") and the dish chop suey itself are inauthentic but expected by Anglo tourists.

On Leong
One of the many Chinese-American societies originally created for mutual support and protection (a tong [3]) that became a criminal organization. The On Leong were influential in many major American cities around the turn of the century.

Also known as the On Leong Laborer and Merchant Association [4]

Page 340

Hip Sing
Like the On Leong, an influential Chinese-American criminal organization [5].

Perhaps also a "hip" parody of the cook in Bonanza, Hop Sing.

Bloody Angle
Site of 20 hours of sustained combat at the Battle of Spotsylvania, 1864, thought possibly the most severe sustaned engagement of the American Civil War [6].

Word had gotten around
Dahlia's experiences on Broadway play out like a perverse parody of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. Like Dahlia, Dreiser's heroine is a small town girl who makes the transition from bit-part player to star. Furthermore, Dahlia arrives in New York City in 1900, the same year that Sister Carrie was published.

Dally in performance
These acts seem quite similar to the Living Theater, which emerged several decades later. Wikipedia

Not sure if it refers to a specific hat or a family of hats, but It was used in the title of a fashion article published in the New York Times on Feb. 23rd, 1908 [7]. Most likely a casual girl hat, opposed to evening wear.

Page 341

Members of a Chinese-American criminal gang. (The word later came to apply to corrupt politicians.)

day club
??? Speculation: what Pynchon is humorously calling a nightstick used in the daytime.

Actually, there are three kinds of clubs a policeman can carry: the billy, the day club, and the night stick. [8]

Glans penis-shaped helmets

Glans penis-shaped police helmet
The odd, short-brimmed helmets worn by police officers in New York around the turn of the century and still worn by English police today [9].

Mock Duck...firing two revolvers at a time in all directions
Incredibly, Pynchon seems to be referencing the Hong Kong films of John Woo. The image of the Chinese gangster firing two guns simultaneously is a Woo trademark, first popularized in the 1986 film A Better Tomorrow and repeated in subsequent Woo films such as The Killer (1989) and Hard-Boiled (1992). The image was so closely associated with Woo's favorite leading man, Chow Yun-Fat, that it was even reprised for Chow's subsequent films in Hollywood. According to Woo, the image of the outlaw firing two guns simultaneously was inspired by the final scene of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. This is interesting in light of the Butch Cassidy references in the Telluride section of ATD. [wikipedia]

There is an actual Tong leader being referenced here; Mock Duck was known for his two-gun style, but his methods were much different than Chow Yun-Fat's. Wikipedia Entry

Page 342

Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley is the name given to the collection of New York City-centered music publishers and songwriters who dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Wikipedia

acid magenta
Acid dye is a member of a class of dye that is applied from an acidic solution. [10]

Con McVeety
Investigation of the origins of family names on the North American continent has revealed that early immigrants bearing the name Veety or a variant (Veety has been written as MacVittie, MacVittye, MacVittae, MacWittie, MacWitty and many more) include: Alan MacWittie who settled in New England in 1685; Duncan McVittie arrived in Philadelphia Pa. in 1775. [11]

worst acts
Itself a cliche, e.g, Woody Allen's Broadway Danny Rose.

Page 343

..seven-fifty a week..silent discussion.. "Ten?" and the deal was done.
Curious deal here inluding the oxymoron but surely not cents nor dollars.
Ten dollars in 1900 has the purchasing power in 2005 of

$239.93 using the Consumer Price Index
$205.36 using the GDP deflator

dime museum

to leave quickly or in a hurry. The phrase "in some haste to absquatulate' seems a bit redundant.

Found this interesting piece of knowledge on Freedictionary.com [12] which explains the origins of a lot of the words used in AtD: "In the 19th century, the vibrant energy of American English appeared in the use of Latin affixes to create jocular pseudo-Latin "learned" words. (...) Absquatulate has a prefix ab-, "away from," and a suffix -ate, "to act upon in a specified manner," affixed to a nonexistent base form -squatul-, probably suggested by squat. Hence the whimsical absquatulate, "to squat away from."

A random collection (very roughly equivalent to the Spanish word zarzuela). In music halls and variety theater an olio, here an act or acts unrelated to the "real" show, would go up in front of the curtain during long scene changes.

australian cockroach
It is very unlikely that it was an Australian Cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae), which has a length of 3.0cm - 3.5cm (approx 1 1/4"-1 3/8"). Most likely refers to another (unwinged) species, called the Rhinoceros Cockroach or Giant Burrowing Cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) which is indigenous to Australia and can weigh up to 35 g (1.2 oz) and measure up to 3.15 in (80 mm) [13] Still a far cry from "the size of a sewer rat".

Bogoslaw Borowicz
Borowicz is a polish name, patronymic from a pet form of Borowy, or from Borzyslaw, Bolebor, or some other personal name formed with the element bor ‘to fight’.

Found a reference to a Bogoslaw Borowicz in a scientific paper entitled "During Latency, Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 DNA Is Associated with Nucleosomes in a Chromatin Structure" (!), published in 1989 in The Journal of Virology. [14]

Floor show
A Floorshow is a series of acts at a night club. That anyone could take this literally as "a display of floors" is both hilarious and very Pynchonian.

Page 344

strange tilings...mathematical issues
This passage alludes to aperiodic tilings Wikipedia such as the one discovered by Roger Penrose Wikipedia. See "The wallpaper in particular presented not a repeating pattern at all" in annotations to p. 182.

Dr. Ictibus
The Latin word ictus is from the past participle of īcere, to stike, blow, stab, wound; it can also refer to the wound itself. Ictibus, is the ablative plural case for ictus, thus we have Dr. Took-away-the-wounds.

Safe-Deflector Hat
Dave Garroway supposedly had a hat that calculated the angle to be safe from falling bricks, if I recall correctly. Wikipedia

Something to do with Saint Odo, patron saint of rain?

Perhaps a reference to Star Trek: Odo was the shape-shifting security officer of the space station Deep Space 9. Star Trek Wiki

Or to the anarchist Odo in Ursula LeGuin's novel The Dispossessed.

In any case, Odo's onstage speech reflects the Mad Scientist's lab assistant in dozens of horror movies.

a dancer; a ballet girl.

also the (feminized) French term for "extra"

a coon revue
Musical entertainment with African-American performers—or just as likely white performers in blackface—doing skits and singing songs that perpetuated a range of stereotypes: step-dancing, exaggerated dialect, lax morals, etc. Coon material was extremely popular in New York and elsewhere in the Jim Crow era (and it hasn't disappeared yet). For a partial list of coon references in AtD, see annotation to p. 48.

Williams and Walker
Bert Williams and George Walker, well-known vaudevillians who sometimes billed themselves as "The Two Real Coons." Williams was first to cross the color line as a headliner in the Ziegfeld Follies. Here is a good account of their careers.

Calpurnia... Mrs. Caesar
Calpurnia was the wife of Julius Caesar and is a minor character in Shakespeare's play. She's a model of rectitude and courage, not someone who would like the subordinating title 'Mrs' which is thus a joke.

Page 345

Liu Bing
One of three approaches to exegesis are possible here.

1) The name is a Chinese pun on English sounds and meanings.
2) The name is a reference to someone with this name.
3) The name is a reference to Chinese meanings in a Chinese or English pun.

An example of the first approach:

Lubing? Like Lew Basnight as Lube-ass night see notes for page 36.

Two examples from the second approach:

Here, it is a woman, but in history Liu Bing was
1) The birth name of Emperor Chong of the Han Dynasty (143-145) who became emperor at the age of 1, and died a year later.
2) A high-ranking official of the Song Dynasty, (lived 433-477).

Third approach: mix and match meanings for "Liu" and Bing".

Liu can mean:

lovely; beautiful; tassel; pomegranate; to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move clear; deep (of water); swift; precious stone; leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve; tumor; sulfur; bessemerizing of matte; lutetium; pure gold; sewing of wind; bay horse with black mane; large horned-owl; willow; skein; tuft; lock; creel; fish basket; the number 6; a clod of earth; land; the sound of the wind; to soar; to stroll; walk a horse; to stroll; to linger; dripping of rain from eaves, reheat by steaming

Bing can mean:

soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; war-like; ice; arrow-quiver; Trachycarpus excelsa; arecas; the third of the ten heavenly stems; the third position; third; number three; get rid of; put aside; reject; keep control; hold back; sad; mournful; bright; glorious; authority; handle; hilt; bright; brilliant; luminous(surname); to grasp; hold; maintain natural property or endowment; report to (a superior)bright ; shining, splendid(surname); ancient city name; happy; plate; scabbard; round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry; furthermore; (not) at all; simultaneously; also; together with; to combine; to join; to merge amalgamate; combine; nightmare; start to sleep; ailment; sickness; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect.

So, Liu Bing might mean "lovely arecas," "six cookies," "gold handle," "six soldiers" etc.

Courage, Camille
Coo-RAZH, of course. The play Camille was adapted from The Lady of the Camellias (La dame aux camélias, 1848) by Alexandre Dumas the Younger. In all French versions the character's name is Marguerite, so this gag only works in English-speaking countries. This phrase also appears in Inherent Vice, pg. 314.

Lillian Russell
American actress and singer (1860-1922) Wikipedia entry. Yes, she generally did wear a hat in her photos.

Continuing Pynchon's running joke of naming AtD's women after flowering herbs.Wikipedia

I.J. & K. Smokefoot
Speculation: Smokefoot is the name of a song written by Bobby Keys, Jim Gordon, and Jim Price. It appears on the 1972 album "Bobby Keys." Bobby Keys was a very much in demand session sax player, appearing on many well-known albums, including the Stones' "Sticky Fingers" where he plays an extended solo on "Can't You Hear Me Knockin." While this is not at all related to what's going on in AtD at the moment, it is a way that Pynchon comes up with names and Pynchon surely knows who Bobby Keys is.

Along with speculation, the name Smokefoot has some nonmusical grounding. There's a fairly numerous and widespread American clan named Rauchfuss. Their surname, obviously, is German—like those of some nonfictional department store magnates (Gimbel, Bergdorf, Saks). If the first immigrant Rauchfuss had translated his name into English it would have come out Smokefoot. Although a moderately large Google search does not turn up a Rauchfuss or Smokefoot in the business, it is not irrelevant that one form of this name is current in the population.

Quaternions based on 'i * j * k'.

Not too sure about this connection: the choice of i, j, and k in the definition of quaternary space is arbitrary, as are x, y, and z in more conventional definitions of three-dimensional space. Could just be that Pynchon just wrote a little three letter sequence in alphabetical order. Is there anything in the text that would support the connection between the department store and quaternions?
Well, x, y and z are just as arbitrary—but when you see the sequence you think "coordinates, 3-space, vectors." So i j k in the book's context does suggest a link to quaternion notation. This merits a closer look.
Besides the quaternion interpretation, the letters i,j,k commonly represent the standard basis vectors of R^3. There's little doubt that Pynchon had these meanings in mind when he chose those three letters.

Ladies' Mile
Broadway from 9th to 23rd Streets, Gilded Age location of all the most fashionable shops [15]

Page 346

Whispering, making a low continuous indistinct sound [16].

Jachin and Boaz
The two pillars on the porch of Solomon's Temple. Wikipedia entry. They also appear on the Tarot card of The High Priestess in the A.E. Waite Rider deck, whose designer, Pamela Colman Smith, is mentioned in ATD at p. 186. Wikipedia entry. The two names could also be a possible reference to Freemasonry [17], an institution that occasionally appears in Pynchon's work. Pillars named Jachin and Boaz apparently figure in the nomenclature of Masonic temples.

just a kid
Dally was born c1889, so 14 or 15?

newly introduced
Paris 1900? Wikipedia

Page 347

Yosemite Falls
For pictures see Wikipedia.

"Her Mother Never Told Her"
"Her mother never told her the things a young girl should know.
About the ways of college men, and how they come and go, (mostly....go).
Now age has taken her beauty, and sin has left its sad scar;
So remember your mothers and sisters, boys, and let her sleep under the bar" Lyrics

the Tombs
NYC prison.

Page 348

Bleecker Street
Cultural center of bohemian Greenwich Village, which at this time was a haven for leftists including Emma Goldman and John Reed. In later years it became an art showcase for talent including Hendrix, Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, et. al. Wikipedia

Saturday night in Kipperville
Most likely a reference to the story Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton, wherein Mike and promises to dig the cellar for Popperville's new town hall in one day using his steam shovel Mary Anne. The citizens from Kipperville and other nearby towns all come to watch. Read the Amazon description.

"Kipperville" is actually a slang term for Greenwich Village. From A Dictionary of the Underworld: British and American by Eric Partridge:

  • kipper; Kipperville. '"Kinda kippers in this house." This term "kippers", much used in the heyday of the Bowery' — ca. 1870-1910 — 'had a curious origin. Kippers were any kind of insect pests, and people who were neither of the underworld nor of the respectable, were called kippers, since they were considered to be nuisances to all other people ... I found that a great many of the semi-Bohemians were called this by the underworld. Greenwich village, then' — ca. 1896-1905 — 'very far from being professionally Bohemian, but where there were a good many poor and very real artists of various kinds, was often called "Kipper-ville"', Anon., 'When Crime Ruled the Bowery', Flynn's, April 6, 1929. link

Areca is a genus of about 50 species of single-stemmed palms in the family Arecaceae, found in humid tropical forests from Malaysia to the Solomon Islands. wikipedia

A woman belonging to the demimonde; a woman whose sexual promiscuity places her outside respectable society.

Lady's maids; maid-servants. [1]

Perrier Jouet
Brand of expensive Champagne.

ticker-tape machines
Before the crawl at the bottom of the screen, you could get a Dow-Jones ticker installed in your home or office to bring you the latest from the market. Other ticker services delivered news, sports scores, etc., all printed out on a narrow paper tape. On days of special celebration, New York City allowed people to throw ticker tape from buildings—which on any other day would be a misdemeanor—hence the fossil expression "ticker-tape parade."

Page 349

Oomie Vamplet
??? Pure speculation: oomie. Vamplet has a definition, but also sounds like a vamp (a woman who uses her sex appeal to entrap and exploit men) who is small. Also, to vamp in music is to improvise simple accompaniment or variation of a tune.

Kate Chase Sprague
Kate Chase Sprague was the daughter of Civil War era cabinet member Salmon P. Chase and wife of Rhode Island Governor William Sprague. She was accused of having had an affair with New York Senator Roscoe Conkling. wikipedia

Congo violet
evidently a real color: Violet dyes: trisulphon violet 2B, Congo violet; from a patent application, # 4025164. www.patentsonline. A quite dark violet, I think, is implied...lots of associations to Congo.

"Funiculi, Funicula"
A very popular Neapolitan song composed in 1880 by Italian composer Luigi Denza (cf p.353) to commemorate the opening of the first funicular (inclined railway) on Mount Vesuvius. The song's huge success made the Neapolitan songs spreading all over the world. In the '50s Mario Lanza made this song popular in the US but with slightly changed English lyrics. For the lyrics in its original Neapolitan dialect and English see [18].

At least three times in AtD we have an instrumental tag to identify the nationality of a person entering the scene. Here it's the Italian one (never mind that Zombini's family comes from northern Italy, not Naples); there's also a four-note plinka-plinka to announce a Chinese person (on page ???) and an alphorn solo to cue a Swiss person (page ???).

Page 350

"Little Bug." (Wasn't Herve Villachaise supposed to be well endowed?)

in the wallpaper
Cf Lew on cyclomite.

Mickey Finn
Mickey Finn in the punch is a drug-laced (clasically chloral hydrate) knockout drink. See Wikipedia.

Page 351

Sweet Caporal
A brand of cigarette.

came for me
On page 69 Erlys left this note: "I'll be back for her when I can."

The Apthorp, 1909
"a French flat in a recently-erected building on upper Broadway"

This is most likely the Apthorp apartment building, which is 12 stories and on upper Broadway, with French-style apartments and modeled on the Pitti Palace. It was completed in 1908. However, I believe in Against the Day the year is 1903.

Pitti Palace
The Palazzo Pitti is a vast mainly Renaissance palace in Florence. Wikipedia

Italian: skyscraper.

Daughter of Erlys Mills and Luca Zombini.

Page 352

Little Nemo
A full-page color cartoon Wikipedia by Winsor McCay, started on October 15, 1905. Published in the New York Herald until 1911.

melted icebox ice
(How nasty would this have been?)

Tin-glazed earthenware wikipedia

Fletcher's Castoria
A patent medicine composed of senna, sodium bicarbonate, essence of wintergreen, taraxicum, sugar and water, used as a laxative. Wikipedia entry.

three-cent pieces
The U.S. minted three-cent coins until 1889.

La Forza del Destino
Literally, the "force of destiny." An opera by Verdi wikipedia


Page 353

Luigi Denza
Luigi Denza (2846-1922) was an Italian composer. In 1898, he moved to London and became a professor of singing at at the Royal Academy of Music. Among the hundreds of songs he wrote, the most popular one was the Neapolitan song (1880) Funiculi, Funicula (cf 349). Wikipedia.

Psyche knot
The knot in which Psyche kept her hair, as shown in ads for White Rock mineral water during this time frame. Pictures here.

Here are instructions on how to prepare a Psyche knot.

also known as New York City, and found there true disappearance
...just as Pynchon himself did, hiding in plain sight in New York City for years. From this New York Magazine story: " 'He's disappeared, and no one will ever find him, because that's how he wants it,' says a man walking past the entrance to Pynchon's apartment building."

Page 354

sweetheart; beauty.

an area of northeastern Italy with its own particular cultural and historical identity. Wikipedia

donkey salami
Italian sausage-makers do use donkey meat; look for salame d'asino or mortadella di asino. It is not imported into the U.S.

From Robert Musil's The Man Without Qualitites p. 939 of the 1995 translation by S. Wilkins. Musil and his lead character Ulrich had both served in the Austro-Hungarian army.

Considering the window display of German intellect, Ulrich was reminded of an old army joke: "Mortadella." This had been the nickname of an unpopular general, after the popular Italian sausage, and if anyone wondered why, the answer was: "Part pig, part donkey."

like Austria, with gestures

One of the finest news films ever shown on TV concerned a regional election in this part of Italy. The candidates spoke excellent German but used their arms and hands in a highly un-German way.

platinum black
"a fine black powder of platinum; used as a catalyst in chemical reactions" cite

Pynchon may also have had in mind a black hole or "Black Body Radiation," which was discovered around 1900. In physics a black body is an ideal body that absorbs without reflection all of the electromagnetic radiation (light is one of them) incident on its surface. Wikipedia.

affondato, vero?
Italian for "Sunk, isn't it?" as in the battleship game.

bloody horror shows
A reference to the Grand Guignol theater in Paris, which opened in 1897, known for its gory shows. Wikipedia entry.

Page 355

Doubles the image...
Suggestive of quantum doubling, i.e. universe splitting in one version/solution of the Multiverse problem.

Italian: you understand?


Porca miseria
All-purpose Italian expletive, not too crude. Translates into English as damn!

Teatro Malibran
The 900-seat theather was built in 1677 for drama, opera and classical concerts. It was originally named Teatro di San Giovanni Crisostomo and later changed to Teatro Malibran to honor Maria Malibran, a well-known soprano of the early 19th century. During its long history the theather has been refurbished and rennovated numerous times, most recently in 2001. It is a beautiful landmark theather. It's doubtful Teatro Malibran is a proper venue for magic shows. For the beautiful indoor and outdoor pictures Teatro Malibran.

Page 356

Example of Pynchon's marvelous ship names (e.g. USS Scaffold and Susannah Squaducci in V.); perhaps a play on Titanic.

Chinese Gong Effect

East Rumelian
East Rumelia was an autonomous Bulgarian province, fomerly an Ottoman dependency south of the Balkans. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 it was to be ruled by Turkey but with a Christian prince as part of a complex territorial power-balance agreeable to all Powers at the 1878 Congress of Berlin. Interestingly, an area in which the Glagolitic alphabet was propounded (see P.252).

Page 357

Bert Snidell
Bert Snidell was first mentioned on page 75.

Hindoo shuffle
Hindoo, or Hindu, shuffle is one of numerous ways of shuffling playing cards. For a description Wikipedia.

French drop
A well-known vanishing act of a small object involving sleight of hands. Wikipedia.

Annotation Index

Part One:
The Light Over the Ranges

1-25, 26-56, 57-80, 81-96, 97-118

Part Two:
Iceland Spar

119-148, 149-170, 171-198, 199-218, 219-242, 243-272, 273-295, 296-317, 318-335, 336-357, 358-373, 374-396, 397-428

Part Three:

429-459, 460-488, 489-524, 525-556, 557-587, 588-614, 615-643, 644-677, 678-694

Part Four:
Against the Day

695-723, 724-747, 748-767, 768-791, 792-820, 821-848, 849-863, 864-891, 892-918, 919-945, 946-975, 976-999, 1000-1017, 1018-1039, 1040-1062

Part Five:
Rue du Départ


  1. Def.2. The Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Ed. 1989.